Der AMS-Algorithmus. Ein Comic

Der AMS-Algorithmus.
Ein Comic.

2020 Comic

Since 2018, Austria has been planning to introduce an algorithm that divides job seekers into three groups with low, medium and high chances of integration into the job-market. Linked to this are various resources and supports provided by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS).

This comic gives a brief insight into the workings and problems of the AMS-Algorithm and dicusses the role of predicitve algorithms in shaping social processes. Moving beyond a determinism of technology that seeks to merely „fix“ algorithms, the comic draws attention to underlying social structures, and raises questions about the future of work.

The comic can be found below as well as a downloadable PDF. (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Created in the seminar „Data Justice: Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination“ by Nushin Yazdani and Jasmin Grimm at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.